Dorít is currently in rehearsals for “Porphyra” a Greek rock Opera, as well as a pilot series starting production in May 2022. This Spring and Summer she will be performing with “Amnesia Wars,” a collective of NYC theater artists dedicated to producing poignant and exciting improvised shows at venues and festivals throughout the city.
Dorít recently completed a co-star role in a short film, and performed at the National Opera Center actor in “Echoes of Antiquity.” She has written and performed 3 different solo shows at The Peoples Improv Theater. The most recent was selected to be featured at New York City's "SoloCom" Festival of brand new works. Dorit played the lead in a Rock Musical called 'Sirens Den' that debuted at The West Village Musical Theater Festival. She booked a TV pilot starring Richard Kline, a comedic sketch for the Colbert Report, and had a principal role in the film Sex and The City 2. She is active participant in events at the Episcopal Actors Guild in NY and recently performed in a brand new two person play to rave reviews.
Dorit is a recipient of multiple scholarships at UCB, and has trained at The Lee Strasberg Institute, Kimball Studios, Susan Batson Studios, The PIT, Marishka Phillips Theatrical Preparatory and with Richard Kline. For Musical Theater she has trained with Sheri Sanders, Brad Simmons, and William Demaniow.
Headshots and Resume are available upon request through the contact page on this website.